Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I need to put music on my cheap mp3/mp4 using Limewire. HOW ?

I have Win XP it says it should be compatible. I tried plugging the usb in a couple type situations to no avail.

I need to convert some of the files.I know a good site I can use for converting.But I can%26#39;t open and grab browsing files out of document folders like normal.In fact the only place I can even find the files is in the Limewire library.Cant i pull them out of my regular documents somehow ? Some songs dont open but they appear to be OK.Will they play once on the MP# player? My CPU is real slow now after downing the 2gb off there lastnight but i still have 4gb left of my 10 . Do I need to partition my drive at all,if so how?


MP3 ?

Get it from

read this if you want to get it without membership

1. search %26 open mp3 link from

2. On the media player (http built in) , right click %26gt;

click properties

3. Copy that "Location:"

4. paste it back to your browser

Andi Ahdin


The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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