Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I need to know, should I DELETE ALL my Green Day songs on my iPod? I barely listen to them anyways.?

I like them...I just don%26#39;t really want them taking up my precious metal iPod space.


As long as you%26#39;re not deleting them to put something lame on it like Fall Out Boy or MCR then go for it!

weeder Can%26#39;t you just set your iTunes to not auto update, so your library doesn%26#39;t need to match your ipod perfectly.

That way you can delete them from the ipod, but will still have them in your iTunes.

Green Day rocks, show em some love!! leave your favorite green day songs then take off the ones you don%26#39;t like as much. thats what id do. Yeah, because you have them all on CD anyway, right? Right, because you are supposed to own the original CD if you are to put it on your iPod, correct? I mean, if you don%26#39;t own the original Green Day CD that the songs came on, that is illegal, you understand this right? So if you don%26#39;t own the CDs, then you HAVE TO DELETE THEM, AHHHHH! you should so you dont have to worry about it so much, so just delete it and put new songs on there that you would listen to just take them off your ipod but leave them in your itunes.

Saves time if you choose to put them back on some day, and money if you bought them in itunes.

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