last night I charged my ipod and today when I tried to play songs I had no songs on my ipod ( i had about 100 songs on it) could you tell me what happened or what i can do?
that happened to me once, but only b/c i plugged my iPod into someone else%26#39;s iTunes and got all THEIR songs and lost mine. But in your case, i think you should plug in your iPod, got to "Your iPod" and click Restore, and it SHOULD replcace all your songs again. If you cahrged onto the usb connection the most likely is that your settings are defaulted this means that everytime that you plug in your ipod thru your usb port thru pc its going to automatically refresh the list from your ipod to the list from your computer ipod media archive list. you can diselect this option by going to the taskabar are you sure you didnt sync it or perhaps refresh the entire thing
the exact same thing happened to my cousin!
hope i helped
[: if you just complete a few quick tasks on this site they%26#39;ll send you an ipod, completely free of charge!!
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