Yeserday I bought a 30gb ipod, so before i did anything i just took it out and plug it in the cpu, it all of a sudden appeared "do not disconnect" thingy and the battery went to charging state. it said on the manual to let it charge for about 4 hours so i let it charge. meanwhile, i copied some music into my ipod, is this ok and wont damage? it because it still had the dont discconet thing. and one last thing when 4 hours passed the ipod made a little noise and said that battery was too low and then it shut down. i was really frustraded because it was like 2 in the morning, please tell me what i did wrong thank you.
I seriously don%26#39;t know what%26#39;s wrong with the battery. Try connecting it again and let it charge until it says is complete. Don%26#39;t worry, you definitely can put music into it the first time you charge it. I did it with mine and its never given me any trouble. But you did put music into it the wrong way. You%26#39;re supposed to use iTunes to put music into your iPod, not copying it into the iPod itself, that%26#39;s why it didn%26#39;t show up in the iPod.
You can download it from here:
After you download iTunes, drag all your music files into it. Then connect the iPod and it will start synching itself, putting all the files you have in iTunes into it.
Hope this helps and good luck! Before you disconnect your ipod from the source, you need to "eject" it...that will get rid of the "Do Not Disconnect" flashing message. Try the steps you did again, as everything else you did was correct. Good luck! u shouldn%26#39;t have put it in any music when u just buy it. ur not supposed to do anything when u first charge it. u should just plug the ipod back in , then when its done charging, it%26#39;ll by itself won%26#39;t say do not disconnect. afterwards, take ur ipod out by safely ejecting it by using the "safely remove hardware button" next to the clock on ur computer. then put it bk in and then copy the music. I remember when I first started using out my ipod, it came with a cd to install iTunes and to register the ipod. This was the first thing I did, afterwards when it was charging I did as you did, I transfered songs to it but using iTunes. You should try doing the process again, step by step, from what you say you didn%26#39;t do anything wrong. Remember when you are going to disconnect it you have to go and click on the hardware devices to safely remove it without trouble. If it still dosen%26#39;t work and you still have problems with the battery you should it take it back to the store and have it switched (remember to have the receipt!) Hope this helps! Try plugging it in again. Once you do, hopefully a summary screen will appear. Click on the music tab and then check the playlists you want, or check all music, then click on "apply". Also, in the right lower corner is an ipod symbol with an arrow. After transferring music and once it says ok to disconnect, press on that little ipod symbol to safety disconnect.
Transferring the music should not have damaged it. If it just won%26#39;t charge I would recommend taking it back for exchange I got a free iPod from this site, I highly recommend it!
The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.
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