Saturday, October 10, 2009

I need ipod help?

ok my sister spilt coke on my ipod. it worked just fine after. but like five minutes ago it dosnet really work. the screen works. it lites up and shows everything it just wont let me scroll or anything like that. will it be ok?


Try to dry it off and leave it alone for a bit [around fifteen minutes]. Then check it again- if it still doesn%26#39;t work, try to reset it (by holding the play button and the center button for five seconds). If that doesn%26#39;t work, then I%26#39;m not sure what else you can do other than contacting your warranty or Bring it to a tech store (Best Buy) they might be able to fix itg. If not try to call the company and maybe they might send you a knew one if you just ask. I would call apple and ask i know with things like keyboards you can run them under water to clean them and then let them dry all the way befor using

like i said tho i would call apple or a computer store that sells them..

good luck Contact Apple and see what they tell you. The two events may not even be related.

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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