Monday, October 5, 2009

I want to move my CDs and MP3s to my IPod Nano...?

I%26#39;ve heard the best way is to transfer all your files to Windows Media Player and have the IPod software convert the files to the IPod format and then transfer them? Is this true? If not, what%26#39;s the best way to transfer your CDs, MP3s, WMAs, and WAVE files to my IPod Nano?


Skip the middle man (Windows Media Player) and use iTunes. iTunes has the capability of converting any CD into MP3 or AAC format (which are both supported by our iPod Nano).

By using Windows Media Player, then iTunes, essentially what you%26#39;re doing is losing quality and wasting time. When you import the CD using Windows Media Player, the files are saved in Windows Media format (.wma). Since this is a Microsoft format and doesn%26#39;t play nicely with Apple products, obviously the iPod doesn%26#39;t support when you take these new files and add them to iTunes, iTunes just converts them to MP3 (or AAC, depending on your settings.)

I would simply install iTunes from Apple%26#39;s website ( and use iTunes for all your Music needs.

Good luck! I%26#39;ve found iTunes to be very useful and easy. I would think you%26#39;d have iTunes as a Nano owner. Or you can download it for free. Just add files to your library, either from your computer or by inserting a CD and transfering them (it%26#39;s very easy). Then hook up your Nano.

I%26#39;m no expert in this area, but I have no idea why you%26#39;d want to deal with Windows Media Player. i dunno about all the itunes business, but its easy on windows media, when u put in the cd or mp3, itll jus pop up i n there. good luck! The best way to put anything onto an iPod is using iTunes. You can put CDs and all disks onto it and then drag it to your iPod.

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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