Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I want a mp3 player.I was thinking the microsoft zune, or ipod.What do u suggest?

i have done some research on mp3 players and noticed some good reviews for the zune and also creatives mp3 player.Is ipod much better than any of these ? or is it just the apple logo that everyone is crazy about?


zen is the better one = /ipod vs zen m The Apple design is much better than anything else on the market. iTunes support is the best.

Buy the iPod. The zune seems pretty cool, but I prefer the iPod. I have one and I am really satisfied with it overall. It has some really cool features that the zune lacks. The only thing that the zune has that I wish the iPod had is a radio. The iPod is better, in my opinion. Get a free iPod Video from this site, just by signing up and completing a few simple online tasks. It really works!

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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