any ideas where i can get a nice one but not pay out the rear end for it?
iPod shuffle? £40 the cheapest brand new IPODs i have found anywhere are at ---------%26gt; go to ipod section
or the VERY cheapest you can get is reburbished from the apple store:
It all depends on how big of an IPOD you want. You can get a 4GB nano for $130, but if you want a 30GB Ipod video, you are going to have to shell out at least $200 (which is still a decent price).
Good luck! It depends on what kind of ipod you want.
Ipod Shuffle(smallest one) 1GB holds 240 songs $79
Ipod Nano(medium one has 3 sizes)
2GB $149 holds 500 songs
4GB $199 holds 1,000 songs
8GB $249 holds 2,000 songs
U2 Ipod (one of the largest ones) 30 GB 7,500 songs 25,000 photos 75 hours of video $279.
Ipod (largest one) 30GB 7,500 songs 40 hours of video 25,000 photos $249
80GB 20,000 songs 25,000 photos 100 hours of video $349
Their on sale now just go to
Or you could try to find one on eBay.
The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.
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