Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I use hoodia power pops..i bought my last ones on ebay...i want to buy more..anyone know of a cheape

i%26#39;m using them for weight loss.thanks


I don%26#39;t know how much you paid but there is a good hoodia candy comparison at

You might find a better price on the pops or even a better choice that contains more hoodia.

Hope this helps, if you want to know more about Hoodia I have written a lot of articles on it. Just search Yahoo or Google under my name “Andrew Aitaken” to find them.

Remember, you should always consult your physician before taking any diet pill or weight loss supplement. Hi,

it%26#39;s important to find something which contains 100% pure, fresh Hoodia without any additives and which is also endorsed by doctors and herbalists.

Your best bet would be to check out:

It is completely natural %26 safe and combined with their fitness program and low fat recipes proven to be highly efficient and bringing positive results fast!

Hope that helps.

All the best,

Melinda While I don%26#39;t believe hoodia power pops are that effective, it sounds like they are working for you! If that%26#39;s the case, I%26#39;m very surprised. I have researched hoodia power pops in the past to learn more about them, and eBay definitely is the cheapest place to find them (at least that was my experience when I was researching them a few months ago).

Best of luck to you.


The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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