Students don%26#39;t pay attention to their work while listening to iPod and they use it to cheat on their test. What do you think. State the reasons.
I%26#39;m a teacher and IPods are banned at schools in my county. Any type of electronic device is as a matter of fact. When I catch my students with any kind of mp3 player, video game, or cell phone I take it away and keep it until I speak to one of their parents. If the parents say to give it back to them to bring home I%26#39;ll give it back to them at the end of the day. It%26#39;s not that I don%26#39;t think kids should have those things, just not in school because they are distracting. I%26#39;ve taken mp3 players away from kids before because they were listening to them during lessons. They shouldnt be banned... persay. They should just not be allowed to use them during class.
Lunch, study hall, inbetween classes, detention, etc.. They could still use %26#39;em there. I think that they should not be allowed to be used during class and study hall because it is a great distraction and you can cheat during a test with them. I am I student, I have recorded things to help me study for tests, like for example I state a question on my recording and then answer it in my head and then reveal the answer after a few seconds. It is really effective to help me study, so I think during lunch or recess that it is a great tool. It should not be used during detention, because listening to Fergie or The Red Hot Chili Peppers for 1 1/2 hours isn%26#39;t that bad of a detention. School is for learning and study and, therefore, iPods should not be allowed in the classrooms, libraries, etc. My school has already done it. The teachers take your iPod away and give it to the principal if they see you using it from 8:00 to 3:30 (school hours). It doesn%26#39;t matter when it is, even if it%26#39;s at lunch. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO....
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