Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I recharge my I pod battery through my pc, when I disconnect USB and play my I pod all the videoes a

I tried to play the videos but I couldn%26#39;t. the square sign after the song that has videos are disappear too. what happened and what should I do. I bought it just on;y a week. please help


What sounds like happened is your iTunes is set to remove watched episodes and movies from your iPod; and it%26#39;s set to automatically sync your iPod when you plug it in. I%26#39;d check the following:

___Turn off Auto-Sync___

1) Open iTunes

2) Connect your iPod

3) Select your iPod from the devices list

4) Click the Summary tab (if it%26#39;s not already selected)

5) Check the "Manage Music Manually" box

6) Click Apply

___Change Video Sync Settings___

1) Open iTunes

2) Connect your iPod

3) Click the Movies tab

4) Change the setting for "All Movies"

5) Click the Tv Shows tab

6) Change the setting to choose "All Episodes" instead of "unwatched" episodes

7) Click Apply

8) Resync your iPod

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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