Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I recently purchased a Sandisk Sansa c240. I downloaded songs from, but cannot make them

Each time I add the tunes to the MP3 player, I get a message telling me I must synchronize to continue my music subscription. How do I synchronize? Is there any way to make these songs playable without paying again to download them?


Synchronize just means to transfer the music to the player (but I%26#39;m sure you already knew that). I don%26#39;t know anything about your mp3 player, but I use I would just email and explain your situation - I had problems downloading before and they "reissued" my three "tries" (i.e. you get three chances to download each song you purchase).

You can also backup your music by burning the music to a CD - that%26#39;s a good idea because if anything happens to your mp3 player or your computer, your music is gone.

Good luck.

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