Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I need to know exactly how to download music from computer to psp?

is there a specific sight to downlad music from computer to psp? Are there any other hardware needed to download besides usb and memorystick duo?


plug the wire from your psp to your computer... make a folder called music on your computer with the music you want to put on your psp... remember dont go over the limit with how many songs you have make sure it won%26#39;t be too much for your mem card. then when you are ready go to the main menu on the PSP go all the way to the left and select USB cable or something like that from the options menu and it should open a folder on your computer where you can drag the music folder into it%26#39;s just like puttin files on a flash drive, plug in your psp to your computer, i think you have to create a folder named music and then you just drag and drop your files in the folder and that should do it


He who laughs last, thinks the slowest no theres not a sight u can use ne music download thing like lime wire.bear share.etc andto download it u just click share on the music software...and to find the psp file on ur computer u go into ur my computer and should see the file there Yes.There are some sites which guide you through.

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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