Saturday, October 10, 2009

I need some songs for my Ipod?

Anything and everything, country, rap, rock, whatever! I want some current stuff. Can you help me out? What are your favorites.

(No repeats please.)



its about christmass trees Any of those dont matter you know why cause it your ipods How about Aqualung the album memory man. Also the Red Hot Chille Peppers have a new album out. GREEN DAY MY HUSBAND BAND aka Billie Joe Amrstrong %26lt;-- hes my husband 2 step

walk it out

cant get enough

leather so soft

love like honey

so confuse

get you wet

buy you a drink




........i hav more jus ask me The Partridge Familys greatest hits or The Osmonds Christmas A very good tip is to take a look at the %26#39;Top Songs%26#39; list on the home page of the iTunes Music Store. There is a lot of good music there that is recent. Gwen Stefani

The Proclaimers

Red Hot Chili Peppers

Kelly Clarkson

KT Tunstall

Lily Allen

Franz Ferdinand


Fall Out Boy

Avril Lavigne

Bow Wow

These are all artists that have hot new songs. Hope I helped! hmmm. I like linkin park and vanessa carlton. I also like gwen stefani, akon, beyonce, ciara, missy elliot, jay z, christina aguilera, and creed. Numb/ Encore, by linkin park and jay z, is one of the best songs I have ever heard. Burn

stunnin like my daddy

get it shorty

deja vu

enough cryin

one blood


I%26#39;m flirt Some good songs are..Big Girls don%26#39;t Cry by Fergie. Listen by Beyonce. Give it to Me by Timbaland feat. Nelly Furtado.Cupid%26#39;s Chokehold by Gym Class Heroes. Girlfriend by Avril Livgne. Don%26#39;t Matter by Akon. And if you want to get free songs instead of using iTunes download Livewire and that will work just as good.

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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