Saturday, October 10, 2009

I need Music?

Where can i find free music that is safe and easy! not limewire.


For free music, you can try iTunes. They have 2 or 3 free tracks every week. You%26#39;ll have to set-up an account.

Also, you can try your local library. Borrow the CD and rip it at home.

ft If you don%26#39;t want limewire there really isn%26#39;t any place. Try iTunes. frostwire, winmx, kazza, bear share, utoreent, morpheus they are all psp just like limewire you just have to be carefull otherwise you have to pay money for music

thats how it works the only 100% way of safety is paying otherwise use the above sites ^^^ Get ares its beater then limewire and faster plus it wont put a virus in your computer. Got to google then type in ares click on p2p then get know its easy form there. Its the best program you can get.

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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