Saturday, October 10, 2009

I need help with adding music to my ipod using limewire o.O?

Ugh. I got this ipod for my b-day %26 i cant even freakin use it cuz

it wont let me put music on my ipod for some reason! Its so complicated to me :%26#39;[ can anyone help me out? I need help syncing it to my ipod but when i go to click on it, you cant.. i already downloaded songs but Idk what to do after that.. some songs are on files but what now? i dont even kno wat file to go to! i always wanted a ipod but now it su`cks %26 im bout to throw it against the freakin wall if i cant get this figured out.

Oh yea %26 go thro the steps real easy :] still getting used to this shiz.


1.go to and dpwnload itunes and quick time

2. Install itunes and quicktime

3. connect the ipod to the computer

4. itunes will recognize the ipod

5. import all of your music into itunes by clicking file-%26gt; import-%26gt; and then importing the songs.

6 Once you have imported the songs, highlight of the music (click on the top one, then hold shift and down) then click and drag the list onto the ipod icon in the right (this step is only required if the auto sync feature isn%26#39;t selected.

7 Click on the eject ipod button in the bottom right corner of itunes

8 disconnect your ipod from the computer Okay wen on limewire you ahve the dl screen... where all your songs are.

Open up your itunes to YOUR ipod.. it should say your name etc.

Highlight all of your songs on Limewire and wen you move your mouse over out of that screen you should see a small square box.

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