Saturday, October 10, 2009

I need help really badly, I dont know what to get the iPod, the Zune, or the Creative Zen Vision?

The iPod seems like it is everywhere everyone has one, I wouldn%26#39;t mind having one but I want to have something not everyone has

The Zune is a new product and i am afraid it may hold some unknown problems for me and I have read that it only holds one type of video format. My friends are telling me to get this so I really don%26#39;t know right now.

The Creative Zen Vision was actually my first choice until i have seen the Zune and iPod. The Creative dosen%26#39;t come with a cable or so i heard. I also heard that you might need 3 cables for the creative zen vision.

Please Help me someone


well that thing about the zune isnt true

it has many types of video formats and even if it wasnt the right type it has a converter so it can change it got one thing right about the I-pod, everyone has them. I agree that you want something different and I did the same. I asked everyone which one I should get. Theres alot of talk out there for the Zune but my friend has recently got it and he says that you have to use a cd to put the music in. Dunno how it works, but it sounds complicated. After my decision, I ended up buying the Creative Zen Vision because of its capabilities, its originality, its price, and its awesome! The zen does come with a sync cable for transferring and charging. 3 cables? only one./ /ipod vs zen m

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