It%26#39;s 7 minutes long and at 3:30 it goes to the next song and it doesn%26#39;t play the whole thing
1. Did you download it off itunes? Because if you did, than you could report it to customer service.
2. Did you get off of a cd? If so try re-ripping off the cd to itunes.
3. Did you download it off an unofficial music site, limewire, a friend? If you did it%26#39;s probably not an official version and may even have been downloaded illegally! Alot of times these can be cut off, because not all of the info is there. Try downloading it from, itunes, or from a cd to get the official version.
hope this helps! Maybe you should try downloading another file of that song and trying it with that file You might also check the properties of the song.
1. Highlight the Song
2. Right Click, Get Info
3. Options Tab
4. See if the "Stop Time" is checked (time would say 3:30)
5. If that%26#39;s the case, uncheck Stop Time and it should work fine.
iTunes offers this so you can only listen to a portion of the song. For instance, if a song is only instrumental for the first 45 seconds, you can cut that part out. Similarly, if it fades out for 1 minute and you don%26#39;t want to listen to that, you can tell itunes to stop at that time. is it only one song that does this? if so you prob. have a corrupt file on your hands. try re downloading or re ripping. if it does this for more than one song on your ipod then you could have a bad hard drive. if your ipod is still in warranty take it in to your local apple store and they will replace or fix it at no cost to you.
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