Its tellin me to restore my ipod. but i will lose my songs
so i tried to backup the files but it wont let me
¤ If you already have a library of songs, just restore then re-update the iPod.
¤ If it isn%26#39;t like that, and you don%26#39;t have very many songs, just burn a bunch of CDs and follow through with what iTunes is telling you.
¤ If neither of those situations are what is happening, try going on to the Apple website and call the number for the Tech Support. You can only use iTunes for an iPod. Nothing else. this
1.make sure u can see ur ipod in my computers
2. open that ipod drive
3.Disable hidden files..and then ul see a folder by the name of ipod_music control
4. den go to music
5. ul see many folderz by the name of FT0,FT1 ETC.
OPEN EACH FOLDER AND COPY THE CONTENTS in c: or my documents or n e where u like i use winamp. but i don%26#39;t have an iPod. Maybe do a quick google search for %26#39;ipod plugin winamp%26#39; if you can find one, then give it a try. Don%26#39;t mind any of the people that answered this post before me... this is what you do.
I hope you%26#39;re familiar with torrents. What you do is you download this program called Anapod Explorer using a torrent site. What it basically does is it adds your iPod to Windows Explorer, so you can read from it and to it without the use of an external program. Using this program, you can just copy all the songs from your iPod to your hard drive.
Have a nice day.
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