iand the other part to the samsung then when i go to windows media player and try to sync the music it say windows cannot find any portable device connected or it says no device found please help me i try connecting it again but it does not work. Please i need help how do i fix this psroblem. plus my samsung yp t9 is a mp3 player and it also is a video player
Windows has to detect your player to be able to sync it up with WMP. I responded to a similar problem before, here%26#39;s my answer:
Go to Device Manager (Hold Windows button %26 Pause Break on your keyboard==%26gt;Hardware Tab/Device Manager) and look for your player. There should be a yellow "?", right-click and update driver: either online or from your Software Cd.
P.S. Avoid connecting to a usb hub: under-powered usb ports might also be the prob.
You might need to restart your computer afterwards. Go to the samsung web site and download the latest updates and firmware and also try to get on there forums there you will get better help there than here.
You may have to call the tech support phone and have them give you a patch to download to fix this problem...keep trying at the forum...
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