Instead of the songs i select to be played a funny hissing sound comes out of the headphones. When I tried playing a videos, icould see everything but the hissing sound was going on. I tried other heaedphones and speakers but nothing seemed to work. Ineed some real help for this please!
Usually in this case, it is the headphone jack. The connection from the other parts of the player to the headphone jack is loose.
Go to %26 click on Support at the top. Make an eBox, and register your products (just follow the steps).
Explain the problem and request for an RMA (Return Materials Authorization). They%26#39;ll exchange it for a new one. Try formatting it, this will show you how - Well, the first thing i would do is turn it off and try to reset it by pressing down the power button for 10 - 15 seconds. if that did not work and all other attempts have failed, then I would try first contacting sandisk to see if they can give you any input on the situation.
If all other searches turn up fruitless then it is time to unscrew the back panel and take it off to see if you have a bad connection to the headphone jack. if it is anything else, and you cannot see it then either strat downloading silent flicks from the 40s or throw it away
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