is there a way to lower the the distortion to make the recording listenable again? it was his first attempt at recording a concert and is well chuffed with himself but we cant make out half the recording ,simple solutions needed or even software recommendations ..thanks
It%26#39;s usually becasue the microphone built in on the mp3 player isn%26#39;t good quality. I have tried to record concerts on my mp3 but they can%26#39;t deal with the loudness. Try just talking into it and you will see it%26#39;s fine at quieter volumes. There is nothing you can do with any software becasue the recording is already bad and can%26#39;t be sorted becase there is no more detail to retain. You can buy good quality digital portable recorders for about £100 now. That%26#39;s the trouble with cheap mp3 players dig your hand deeper and buy a top of the range one.
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