Well it won%26#39;t even turn ON anymore.When I plug it in to charge it,it dos%26#39;nt even show the "Don%26#39;t Unplug" sign.I am so mad.Its not on hold.I think my sister may have dropped it off the computer desk,but I have dropped it numerous times before and it was perfectly fine! Help!? and do you think If I took it back they could fix it or at least give me a new one if its under waranty?
I%26#39;ve been in the same situation before, my nano does the same thing :)
Just toggle the Hold button on the top a couple of times. Then hold down the Menu and center (circular) button until you see the apple icon show up. Be patient. This just restarts your ipod. You don%26#39;t loose any of your songs... it only reboots you ipod.
I really hope this helps.
Happy Listening and Best Wishes;) nono, just plug it in and leave it on over night it means its COMPLETELY dead. If it%26#39;s under Warrenty, no problem. You should be able to have it repaired or replaced.
If not.tough luck. Your gonna have to spend the 200 for a new one...
Advice: Don%26#39;t buy from Wal-Mart...
Don%26#39;t let it sit in your car when it%26#39;s hot
Don%26#39;t let anyone borrow it...
Turn it off after every use. usally when that happens the battery has died completely. if that is so contact apple and get further instructions. but if not try restarting it. i myself have had this problem and i restarted it and it worked again. if u have the manual u got it with, it will tell u how to restart it. hope this helps ^^ it may be "frozen" just try restarting it , Check that your hold switch is off by sliding the switch away from the headphone jack.. Press and hold the buttons Menu" and "Play/Pause"simultaneously for approximately 10 seconds to restart the iPod
or if its 4 g or higher ipod its "menu" and "select" try holding the center button and also the menu button together for about 10 seconds. if that doesn%26#39;t work, then try leaving it plugged in all night.
good luck. that happened to me with mine once
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