Can i transfer songs from a CD to the mp3 player. If so how?
Answer: Of course you can transfer songs from your CD albums. =)
You will need the help of Windows Media Player to do the job.
First off, you would need to insert your disc to your computer.
Open up Windows Media Player, and hit the RIP tab. You should be able to see all the songs from your CD on that list.
Now ask yourself this question... "Would I like them to be ripped in mp3 format or wma?" WMA format has a lower bit rate which allows you to store more on your player, but some players do not support wma. If yours only support mp3s you would need it to be in a mp3 format. To do this look for the RIP tab on Windows Media player, after you spot it, you should see a little arrow on it, go to "format" %26gt; mp3. Now when you rip your files it will be in a mp3 format. Keep in mind, mp3 files take up more space on your player, it has been said they have better quality, but believe me you won%26#39;t notice any difference. If it supports wma, I would say, rip in .wma format (Windows Audio).
It%26#39;s time to rip your music to your library. Locate the "Start Rip" button, this will copy your songs from your disc onto your library.
Now that it is in your library you can begin transferring it to your mp3. Connect your player.
Go back to Windows Media Player. Select the songs you want to be sync (copied/downloaded) to your mp3. Right click and add it to your sync list.
Go to the sync tab, and start sync. This will bring your selected songs into your mp3.
Now keep in mind, if you own an iPod... it%26#39;s a different story. Hopefully this works.. if it doesn%26#39;t you may try visiting the manufactures website. (i.e. for sandisk go to, for zunes go to, %26 etc.) You need to be more specific. What type of mp3 player do you have? etc
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